Go Products ready for the future with the Eqrader
After 20 years of manual sorting, Go Products decided to invest in electronic grading. Some months ago, they put the Eqrader into operation and started optical onion sorting. Arjen Goud from Dutch family business Go Products explains the collaboration with Eqraft.
“Go Products is a contracting company and therefore dependent on other businesses making use of our sorting and packaging capacity. We must be quick and flexible when it comes to responding to our clients’ needs. If someone calls in the morning, we should, preferably, get started for them that same day already. Finding the right staff is, however, becoming increasingly difficult and expensive.”
“They build good machines and provide excellent service, which is extremely important for our continuity.”
The Goud gentlemen already had some Eqraft equipment. The first machine they bought was an onion topper and it was still running well after 20 years. Arjen says: “They build good machines and provide excellent service, which is extremely important for our continuity. We trusted that Eqraft would again deliver a good result in the end. That is how we work. We only want long-term relationships. Installing this machine was no mean feat, but thanks to our joint efforts, the Eqrader is now running.”
Arjen continues: “The biggest advantage lies in the newly acquired flexibility. We can respond much quicker to our clients’ wishes and are also less dependent on seasonal workers. Every single onion is inspected internally and externally and thanks to the camera and infrared technology, we can sort onion based on size, weight, shape, color and quality. Bad onions can easily be removed from a batch, even inner rot is detected. All exits can be programmed separately. There is no looking back and given the chance, I would choose the Eqrader again.”